The book «Mate in one move» was published and used by the largest Ukrainian chess club «Gambit». It is intended to consolidate pupil elementary matt structures. Material selected team of experienced chess trainers and practitioners, under the overall guidance of the coach of Ukraine R.A.Khaetsky...
The book is «mate in two moves» published and used by the largest Ukrainian chess club «Gambit». It is intended for the development of combinatorial abilities, developed by a team of experienced chess trainers and practitioners, under the overall guidance of the honored coach of Ukraine R.A.Khaet..
The debut mini-monograph "The Sicilian Gambit or the Mafia is Immortal" (by R. Blagut) was written for children, but adults also read it with pleasure. It is very difficult to present such a dynamic opening 1.е4 с5 2.b4 !? in an entertaining way, but the author succeeded brilliantly!
The Sic..